CSS files used in this template:
- basic.css this is the basic css file It contains css reset, typography, text aligns and many more.
- grid.css contains the grid css.
- theme-style.css contains the basic styles for theme.
- elements.css contains the basic styles for elements, widgets.
- responsive.css contains the responsive behavior of Corpus.
- font-awesome.min.css contains the font-awesome style.
Corpus Theme imports the following JavaScript files.
- isotope.pkgd.min.js
- afterresize.js
- smoothscrolling.js
- plugins.js
- imagesLoaded
- Magnific Popup
- Transit
- Retina.js
- CountUp.js
- FitVids
- appear
- OwlCarousel
- jquery.nicescroll
- easy-pie-chart
- modernizr.custom.js
- maps.js
- main.js