Bundled plugins with Corpus

Corpus Theme is bundled with some nice plugins. Consider them a free gift from us. 🙂

Visual Composer 

Our Theme comes bundled with the Visual Composer plugin. You do not have to purchase a license for it. Actually, it is a customised version of this amazing plugin that preserves 90% of its functionality, so it serves our own hand-made elements. Rows and columns of VC are handled by us. Functionality-wise this plugin is 100% the same as the native version. In almost every future update of Corpus you will see an updated version of VC, if such one exists. Please bear in mind that we do not follow VC. However, make sure that if a new element of VC arrives and meet our very strict quality standards, such an element will be implemented shortly ina  future update of Corpus. What if someone insists on using the VC grid and/or chart elements ? Luckily, we have provided a solution. Under Theme Options > Miscellaneous > Visual Composer Visibility you have the ability to enable these standard elements of Visual Composer.

VC Grid-Chart

We always recommend to make use of the Back-End Editor of Visual Composer and NOT the Front-End one, as there are testimonials that can be buggy at times.


The WooCommerce plugin is an e-commerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. You can find its live documentation in the following link: Woocommerce Documentation.

Contact Form 7

The Contact Form 7 plugin is a simple but flexible contact form plugin. You can find its live documentation in the following link: Contact Form 7 documentation.

Revolution Slider

Revolution Slider plugin is maybe the most powerful slider plugin in the market. You have actually unlimited options to create almost everything you have dreamt. As much powerful as it may be, it can be very complicated at the same time. This plugin is provided free by us. In almost every future update of Corpus, you will have the latest version of RV. Have in mind that we cannot schedule our Theme’s future updates with the dates that Themepunch decide to update their plugin. There is no need to buy a license for it to make the slider you wish.However, Themepunch provides some benefits like ready-made templates to customers who have bought a premium license. Some customers of ours choose to buy a premium license just to have the customer support of the author too. Please have in mind that we are simple users of the RV plugin and not the authors, so we cannot know everything around it. You can find a detailed live documentation of RV in the following link: Revolution Slider Documentation.

For someone that needs simplicity and has not too many extreme needs, we always suggest to use our own slider element in the feature section.

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