Define your Primary & Gradient colors

Adjust your theme’s colors easily in real time, selecting either from predefined colors or customized ones and have immediate experience of your changes. It is worth noting that under Appearance > Customize > Colors – Main Content you can define your Primary colors (1-6) and Gradient Colors (1-3) . These […]

Font Manager in Crocal

If you navigate to Theme Options – Typography you can select a variety of Standard and Google Fonts. In some cases you might need to use a Custom Font, we have implemented a solution to add your Custom Fonts and be able to select them in the Typography section of […]

How to register Crocal

Following Envato Requirements, we’ve implemented the Envato Purchase Code Registration on Crocal 2.0.0. Registering Crocal is quick, and easy, and in the upcoming releases, it will provide many benefits such as the Premium Plugins installation and the Import of the pre-made websites. How to register your product To register your […]

Feature Section YouTube/Vimeo in WeShop

In this section, you can define your options for the Feature Section YouTube/Vimeo. Firstly, you set your Feature Section as you wish and then, you select your preferences for the YouTube/Vimeo video. Have a closer look: Feature Size: You can select the size of the feature title between Full Screen […]

Color Options for Modals

We’ve talked about how you can use and create Modals in WeShop. You can create Modal content via Area items and change the font, heading, link, and background color as you prefer. Additionally, you can find Overflow Background Color and Opacity under Customize > Colors – Modals.

Safe Button in WeShop

The Greatives unique and famous Safe Button feature is also included in WeShop. It’s a new version that is evolved and revealing. It’s placed in Theme Options > Theme & Header Options > Safe Button Area. This area contains three fields : If you want to remove the Safe Button […]

Responsive Header Options in WeShop

Under Theme Options > Theme & Header Options > Responsive Options you can set up your preferences for the Responsive Header and Menu. Firstly, you can specify the screen size you want to activate the responsive header in pixels. If you have many menu items the menu will probably overlap […]

Header Options in WeShop

WeShop Header  For a better grasp of the full potential of the theme, it is worth having a look at the philosophy behind the Header.The Header in WeShop does not have predefined styles (like most themes), but the elements can be moved independently from each other.The elements one can add to the […]

How to Update WeShop & required plugins

Keep in mind that we provide lifetime updates and dedicated support in order to have no problems with the new versions of WP. Besides that, Impeka offers new features in every new release. So please, stay updated. How to update WeShop Theme with 1-click This is for sure the easiest and fastest way […]

Full Demo Import with WeShop

With WeShop you have the possibility to import any of the demos with just ONE click. Just follow the steps below: Important Notes: If you get a message that “An unexpected error occurred” only a few seconds after the start of the import process and at the same time you […]